User Guide

GridTalkie is a grid-wide text radio system that lets you connect to your group or friends anywhere in the grid.
It's more flexible and reliable than built-in IM conferencing,and it's more direct than using an external IM app.

With GridTalkie, you transmit and receive messages through your chat-bar and chat history.
Rattling off a message from the chat-bar is faster then using built-in tabs and windows, and allows
you to still see the world and maintain situational awareness, which some people really like.

This system has been in operation for many years years with about 97% reliability.
It's in use by serious role playing organizations such as the SL Coast Guard, SL Flying Tigers,
and dozens of City RP Police, Fire, and Medical services. It has over 1,000 registered users and
dozens of active secured groups using it as an alternative to group IM.


Features on most models :
- Access 10,000 Grid-Wide Public Channels used by pilots
sailors, first responders and other role players.
- Secure Group-Only Channels allow you to keep closer touch
when Group IM fails.
- Connect to up to three channels at once.
- Works grid-wide, anywhere you can run scripts.
- Custom Nicknames
- Presets for Marine, Air Traffic Control, and other
- Customizable colors and skins.

Complete Command List
(some features are disabled on freebie model)

Note: this list shows examples being used on their default
channels. If you change the input channel on your radio,
you will use that sub channel instead. Channel-specific
commands will use that channel's input.

To talk on a Gridtalkie channel, you simply
open the chat bar on your viewer (usually you hit 'return')
and type in the sub channel (usually '/3'), then type your message.
Example: "/3 Hi! Can anyone hear me? Bilbo?"

Tuner is uses /3 and or /11 by default. this is
done as /3 often conflicts with other devices so /11 is a built in automatic option. We recommend using /11 when possible.

Channel List
To make sure you're not talking to an empty channel, you can
see who is in the channel with you. You will see other radio
users as well as any standalone devices connected to the channel.
If you don't get anything back, then no one else is on that channel.
Commands: 'list', 'ping', 'users'
Example: '/11 list'

Posting Your Location (SLURL Function)
You can post your present location along with region stats
to your current channel.
Command: 'coords','slurl','simdata','regiondata'
Example: '/11 coords'

Accessing the System Menu:
Command: 'menu'
Example: '/11 menu'

Changing Channels:
GridTalkie has a civilian (public) channel
range from 0 to 99999. Public channels
are denoted by "#" signs. Some of these
channels are named or reserved for specific
uses, noted when you connect to that channel.

To access a public channel by number:
Command: 'ch (xxxx)'
Example: '/3 ch 16' will connect Tuner A
to #16.

To access a preset channel:
Command: 'presets [tuner]'
Example: 'presets b' will open the channel
menu for Tuner B.

To access your group's secure channel:
First, activate the group you want to talk to,
then re-attach the talkie.

Command: 'groupmode'
Example: '/11 groupmode'

Setting your Handle / Nickname
You can set a custom displayed nickname of up to
30 characters that will appear in chat. This name
will appear on all of your active channels. Users
can select either or not they see this nickname
or your real name.

Command: 'sethandle [name]'
Example: '/11 sethandle Cmdr. Shepard'

Changing Your Input Channel
You may want to change your input channel to something
higher for security reasons, or because something else you
use already listens to that channel. It's advised for role-players
and combatants to set a higher channel.
You can select between 1 and 2,147,483,647.
You cannot select channel 0 or a negative number.
You cannot overlap two input channels.

Command: 'setinput (xx)'
Example: '/11 setinput 999' will set your Tuner A input to /999

Tuner Control Options ::
Your radio has three 'tuners' that allow you to connect to
up to three channels at once. Each tuner has it's own
changeable sub channel input.

By default, these are turned off, but the listeners are open
so you can quickly enable them.

Tuner A (always on) uses /3 & /11 by default.
Tuner B uses /4 & /12 by default.
Tuner C uses /6 & /13 by default.
(Note: It's now 6 instead of 5 to prevent common gestures.)

Enable or Disable Tuners
When a tuner is disabled, you will not
receive or be able to transmit to that tuner's
'b on' or 'b off' to turn Tuner B on or off.
'c on' or 'c off' to turn Tuner C on or off.

Access Tuner Menu
The tuner menu lets you turn them on or off,
as well as gives you a list of preset channels
to connect to.
'tuner a', 'tuner b', 'tuner c'

Channel Commands, Tuner Inputs
To change channels or inputs, use the
commands listed for /3 on that tuner's
input channel.
Example '/6 ch 12300' would connect Tuner C
to channel #12300. This will also automatically
enable the tuner.

Advanced Technical Options ::

Enabling Region Crossing Data
GridTalkie's http networking requires it to get a new URL
every time it crosses regions (sims). You can see this
happening, with some statistics by saying
'crossings', and 'crossings off' to turn it off.
You will also see this when you change channels

Join / Leave Notices
Say 'joins' or 'joins off' to disable channel
join/leave notices


The short version is:

- Don't Spam
- Don't harass or attack other users.
- Do not violate LL's own TOS.
- Spam, Personal Identifiable Information, Hack Attempts,
and being a jerk can get you banned from the service.


Warranty and Updates
- Updates are provided for the life of the product. The updates are specifically to keep the device operational to its original configurations and do not necessarily include any new features added after the release of the original item.
- Some updates may disable the use of older versions.
- If LL breaks it, and we can fix it, an update will be issued.

Refund Policy
GridTalkie products are sold as copy-only, and cannot
be modified or transferred. As they are copy, we cannot
issue refunds.
